Saturday, August 27, 2016

How to Work In A Group to Make Presentation, Report, Assignment

Dear Students and Well Wishers,

In student life there are various kind of assignment , presentation and  report which you have to perform in group. But what happen you divide the work and after doing it again you compile it. It takes huge time and many mistake arises. Now you can do the work in group.
By sitting in home you can make ppt and you edit other friends ppt, report, assignment,

This are the following steps:-

Friday, August 26, 2016

Is Nepalese Education Appropriate Education for our Country

Is Nepal Education policy is appropriate for our country?
There are various views of people towards the Nepalese education policy. Many people have positive view towards the education policy while many have not.
What is there lacking in our education policy. After seeing the Indian education and Nepalese education, I am writing this article to bring some changes in education system.
Today if we see that there is huge generation gap between father and son in context of thought, leaving style and other. What is this bringing? The older generation says that Kalyug have come, thing what is happening at present, it will become more and more worst. These have mention in our religious book. After listening the old people thought and also various opinions of Professor , is Kalyug have really came or what have bought change in people thought.
The main thing is I don’t like to say Kalyug have came , as a student of management I will like to say the starting of commercial life have came. If we see the curriculum structure of Nepal , from the year 2056 new course have been launched in which there is nothing mention about Hindu Epics. We are reading one Nepali and seven English books. If we see the books all thing have been taught about the abroad, different culture and many more thing. There is nothing mention about the Hindu religion in the book.
Second part is if we see the lifestyle of Nepalese people, today people are living as a nuclear family where there are hardly four members. I still remember my past day when my family was joint, my elder father used to say me about Hindu religion. But today due to the change in lifestyle , busy of both parents (father and mother) towards business or service is one of the reason from which children are not getting religious education. Although we say 84% of our population are Hindu but we don’t know about Hindu religion. The change in the eating style, movies, various abroad tv serials are also reason to change the mind of people.
Today after the globalization the working pattern have also changed. In past our family members used to work as agriculture but today the job trend have been changed. People are working in different sector like national and multinational company, leaving there home place, relocate in different place . By this we can see drinks( wine), meat , leaving relation, party and other thing which Hindu religion don’t allowed have become common things.

Swami Khaptad in ( Ma Ra Mero Kartavya Book) ,he have also mention that today this kind of thing will happen. How much visionary person was he.

So, I think the top Nepalese education policy should understand this and try to bring change in education system. We cannot study Sanskrit at list we can study hindu religion in Nepali, otherwise in few years Hindu religion will get vanish and greater and greater Kulyug will start. For these University can teach one subject (the science of thought) to the students as compulsory subject.

Krishna Raj Bhatta
2014-05-02 @ 2:14 am

Note:- Khapatd swami have written 16 books regarding hindu epics. He lived in Nepal for more than 120 years . His books are in Nepali, Hindi and English Medium. He went Nepal from Kashmir.
Details , plz see this link:
Or see about him in wikepedia.

Whom to Blame

Whom to Blame?
Today if we see there is a controversy between the student and teachers. Student say this teacher don’t teach us nice, that teacher teach us nice. Teacher say students are poor, how to teach this type of students.
This kind of word we found in student life. There is always a fight between students and the teachers for the subject matter. In one meeting which i have attained in my working period, the result of Diploma in Pharmacy came out near about 90% students get fail in maths and physics. In front of meeting the mathematics and physics teacher were saying this time the student are worst and undisciplined. When I went out in one corner the student were saying our mathematics teacher and physics teacher are worst. After doing the master degree, are the teachers really incapable or the student are poor.
If we look towards the history of Nepalese education, in SLC (10th) question were asked from 9 and 10th but later in 2063 B.S, the government change the rules and the paper was made of one year only (10th only). If we see the pass percentage it is increasing in 10th level but slowly in +2 level again it have fallen down.
With my view and other friends and also with teacher experience I am writing this article. Actually if we see the Nepalese curriculum (book published by private company), they are just putting the load in child mind. For example, the 10th class curriculum in taught in 9 class, the eight class curriculum is taught in 6 class. So from the base the student in boarding school just learn to memorize the points or notes rather than understand.
If we see at present curriculum all the final account have been kept from bbs to +2. Many people compare the curriculum standard of Nepal with foreign. I see a well experienced saying that our curriculum is tough and it is not made for all. But in my view, our curriculum is made to just memorize the note. Since the poor base of school and the lack of teacher in the rural area leads the poor base of education and student can’t do better in higher level. Even the school medium (boarding school and government school) are also differentiated in education. In a boarding school one subject is in nepali and all subject are in English, while in government one subject is in English and other subject are in nepali due to which student are facing problem in higher education.
In my view, neither the faculty are poor nor the student are poor , main problem is the Nepalese curriculum. If there will be meeting of the top level (curriculum making people) and if any one ask them a question about are the human resource really capable to teach the curriculum than definitely they will say, we are lacking proper human resource, technology, infrastructure. But the curriculum they have design is such a way that even the talent people get fails to teach in practical life. For example I will like to share my experience of 9 and 10 th geometry. In our batch there were 58 students and among 58 hardly 5-6 used to understand the theorem and all used to memorize. Teacher used to punish about asking and we were like a donkey of getting a stick. Still I get afraid of theorem of Mathematics of our class 9 and 10 , which is behind the level of medium student.
This are some my other experience , there are many other incidents which I have listen about suicide, frustration, leaving country and going different country for higher study ,eating Gaza and wine to memorize hard to learn note these are the reason of Nepalese curriculum.
If we see the subject chosen for higher education generally , a student who is good in maths choose science (engineering), who is medium choose commerce and poor in maths choose arts (in general), so from this also Nepalese curriculum should design the curriculum. Today if we see more and more maths is being fixed, new subject like analytical subject and other subject are coming. But in real life the student have always mental tension how to clear the mathematical subject than to understand. If one research will be done than I can guarantee that after the exam near about 90 % forget what they have studied in Mathematical subject and also we cannot apply this subject in real life. I want to share one experience what had happened on MBA , on our class 80 % student gets fail in analytical subject. The more shocking news was the student who had secure 8 cgpa in first sem and they were having the very good marks in other subject , they were fail in analytical subject. Some student were having the mental tension because of this subject and I still remember the words yaar why we are studying this subject in masters , the university wants to make us fail.
So the curriculum designer should be proactive to solve the problem.
·       What Kind of Curriculum should be made.
1. Upto 10 th level grading should be done, no one should be make fail. For example if student gets poor marks in science or maths he should be given pass grade, if he gets fail also. It will help to increase literacy of country and side by side the student who have poor grade in science or maths they can study other subject like commerce, arts or education, technical.
2. For +2 many student have problem in accountancy or maths so question model should be changed. For long question there should be given one theory or one numerical . So that a student who is poor in account and good in marketing can get knowledge of account and also can pass account paper also.
3. For Bcom also same type of paper model should be fixed.
4. Master should be can be done , the student who are doing specialization(last year which subject they have chosen as core they can have little bit analytical based question. Since a student who is good in maths will choose account and poor in maths will choose marketing.

Krishna Raj Bhatta
Time 9: 17 pm at 15-03- 2014

Threats To Our Society


“A teacher is a candle who burn himself to Light Other”

From the above saying saying we can know how the important are the teacher (Guru) in the society.

From the ancient human civilization there are guru (teacher) and chela (student). If we see Hindu Epics Mahabharata, we can see Dronaccharya as a Guru whereas Pandav (Arjun) as a best student of Dronacharya. We can see the importance of teacher from ancient.

If we look today’s scenario, I have found quite change in the perception of generation regarding to choose teaching career.

I would like to share one experience of my student life. Our class had complain of one faculty because his communication was weak. Next day our coordinator had came to our class. He asked us my dear students what is your Aim. We all say we want to work in MNC, government jobs, abroad and so on. He further asked who want to go on teaching after your completition of study. All reply sir we will choose this profession at last. With an laughing face our coordinator reply, my dear student if you want to choose teaching profession at last than why do you expect a very good teacher from us. The same thought you like people will come in teaching.

Why the generation is not interested in teaching and what will be the impact of this in future. This is question marks and still I don’t have seen people are aware of this.

If we look to present scenario, due to Inflation and change in human life today people want to earn very fast either in ethical or unethical way. But if we look towards teaching job there is no good compensation (direct as well as indirect) . After going on teaching the next thing is life goes like Machine, no any kinds of difference. Same routine goes on.

Beside it, still  the perception of society towards teacher is he should be discipline .  Teacher should be like Dronacharya. Still, society don’t accept open drunk, characterless   or other undiscipline nature person in teaching profession. Even if a teacher do part time business or do tution business , society gives him title of an agent.

But today generation believes on the western life style. We don’t’ want secret what the previous generation did. Today's generation (youth) generally almost have gf/bf, wine is common practices so it is hard to get the teacher what the society expects.

The next thing is the people who are involved in this job, they are not allowing there children to be a teacher. I would like to share one small experience of my mother who have been involved in 22 year of teaching in primary level. She says teacher always have to listen of guardian. If students get fails, teachers has to get blame but if get first position, no one will give reward to him.

Beside it,  if we look towards the people of society, society give high respect to the people who are working in NRB, government job or abroad. 

In my view, todays generation have beliefs that if a person gets fail in his life , he becomes an teacher.

But I feel more surprise to the people of society when they complain in school for good teacher, morality of teacher, quality education and so on.

After seeing all this we can analyse one threat is observed in Nepalese education which is going to be more and more degraded. Since if there will not be good person in teaching, how will the student learn or what will the quality of education.  Only the educated percentage will increase.

In my view this situation has already started and result of this situation has to be analyzed / seen.

Krishna Raj Bhatta
2016-2-28 at 12:50 am
Dhangadhi, Baiya-  Behadi