Is Nepal Education policy is appropriate for our country?
There are various views of people
towards the Nepalese education policy. Many people have positive view towards
the education policy while many have not.
What is there lacking in our
education policy. After seeing the Indian education and Nepalese education, I
am writing this article to bring some changes in education system.
Today if we see that there is huge
generation gap between father and son in context of thought, leaving style and
other. What is this bringing? The older generation says that Kalyug have come,
thing what is happening at present, it will become more and more worst. These
have mention in our religious book. After listening the old people thought and
also various opinions of Professor , is Kalyug
have really came or what have bought change in people thought.
The main thing is I don’t like to say
Kalyug have came , as a student of management I will like to say the starting
of commercial life have came. If we see the curriculum structure of Nepal ,
from the year 2056 new course have been launched in which there is nothing
mention about Hindu Epics. We are reading one Nepali and seven English books.
If we see the books all thing have been taught about the abroad, different
culture and many more thing. There is nothing mention about the Hindu religion
in the book.
Second part is if we see the
lifestyle of Nepalese people, today people are living as a nuclear family where
there are hardly four members. I still remember my past day when my family was
joint, my elder father used to say me about Hindu religion. But today due to
the change in lifestyle , busy of both parents (father and mother) towards business
or service is one of the reason from which children are not getting religious
education. Although we say 84% of our population are Hindu but we don’t know
about Hindu religion. The change in the eating style, movies, various abroad tv
serials are also reason to change the mind of people.
Today after the globalization the
working pattern have also changed. In past our family members used to work as
agriculture but today the job trend have been changed. People are working in
different sector like national and multinational company, leaving there home
place, relocate in different place . By this we can see drinks( wine), meat ,
leaving relation, party and other thing which Hindu religion don’t allowed have
become common things.
Swami Khaptad in ( Ma Ra Mero Kartavya Book) ,he have also mention that
today this kind of thing will happen. How much visionary person was he.
So, I think the top Nepalese
education policy should understand this and try to bring change in education
system. We cannot study Sanskrit at list we can study hindu religion in Nepali,
otherwise in few years Hindu religion will get vanish and greater and greater
Kulyug will start. For these University can teach one subject (the science of thought) to the students as
compulsory subject.
Krishna Raj Bhatta
2014-05-02 @ 2:14 am
Note:- Khapatd swami have written 16
books regarding hindu epics. He lived in Nepal for more than 120 years . His
books are in Nepali, Hindi and English Medium. He went Nepal from Kashmir.
Details , plz see this link:
Or see about him in wikepedia.
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