Monday, February 20, 2017

A Comparative Study Between:- Hindu Religion, Sex and Nepalese Education

A Comparative Study Between:-
Hindu Religion, Sex and Nepalese Education

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, food, cloth, shelter, water, Sex are the basic needs which a human wants for survival. But while teaching or while learning the theory we have been taught in hindu religion sex should be done after marriage. In western culture it is different.

Even in one Television Interview Swami Arun Anand Swami had said sex is the basic part of human life and no any human can be born without it. Not only for human but for other leaving creatures they need sex to continue generation. The only things is In Hindu religion it should be done after marriage.  ( By Swami Arun Anand , Osho)

Khaptad Swami Book ( Bichar Bigyan , Nari Dharma and Purush Dharma) have mention that thought arises due to food so to have pure thought people should have pure food, he should leave in good environment, good friends should be there. He also have mention in his book (Naridharma and Purush dharma) in Hindu religion the role of female is more high or have to be pure in context of male.

But if we look no anything is going good. Due to globalization western culture have been adopted in Nepal. Wine have become common thing. Goods Friends is difficult to get.

Now lets come to the Nepalese Education and how it is affecting to Hindu religion.

If we see the Nepalese Education (12+2+4+2)= 20 yr + 2 yr (delay)= 22 yr + 5 (student start school)= 27 year One student study upto 22 year of age if he have regular study.

The human development (voice, sperms, other body parts) starts to develop from the age of 13-15.

Now the main important thing is there is a big mental or physiological problem among the student during student life regarding to sex. If we see Nepalese society one boys can have relation with many girls but his back history is not seen but if one girls have relation or have any kind of unclear back history everything is seen during marriage period (time).

In one lesson of +2 (nepali) Basai Upanyas written by Lil Bahadur Cheetry has mention why the people migrate or leave the society. One of the reason is the social issue. By three characters Rikuta , Jhuma and Motakaji he have presented his view.

Now today if we see many students during their student time period have bf/gf , leaving relation, sexual affair with one or more friends. It have become common things in student life that is before marriage period. But when one boy wants to marry a girl (generally in arrange marriage) there family want a wife like Laxmi who should be have all 32 character which Hindu religion says.

I cant say it as negative since Bhagwat Gita too have said (Change is the law of Universe) but the words of Hindu Mahatmas says western culture should not be followed in Hindu religion.

In my view if we look towards Hindu religion the 26-27 year education is one of the biggest problem for the student. We have followed the International standard but we don’t have match the standard with the religion. Since we can see the student mental body lacks in the class, many kind of headache problem, other things appear in student life.

If we look towards the Britain and US culture, there is not any kind of words called Virginity or the history donot matters during the  marriage time, there is no any problem of caste, and other things during the marriage.

Regarding to Nepal and India all this things matter. But one very good point of India is History hides In India due to its population and area. But in Nepal History cannot be hide.

In conclusion, I would like to say the International Standard made by USA and Britain should not be matched with Nepal or India since our religion says one thing while there religion says other. So 25 year education is also one of the greatest threat to destroy our Hindu Religion.( Destroy in the sense the castes is been ended, more in love marriage is there without understanding anything, insult and frustration in parents, people are liking western culture and many other thing).

Krishna Raj Bhatta
10 june 2015, 7:45 pm

Dhangadhi-02, Baiya Behadi.

1 comment:

  1. A Very realistic and relevant article krishna Raj ji .Its good. Keep on writing .Your original thaughts as well as your experiences have given the article clear shape.I whole-heartedly appreciate your efforts .
