Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Story of Shrikhandi


I remember one episode in Mabharta of Shrikhandi Story.. Why she was born..  People may have  own interpretation behind it but in my view, Shrikandi was born to take the revenge which Bhimsapitama has done to make Height of Hastinapura..

The person who follows Hindu religions,almost belive on personal self respect but it has been seen in the human individual life or even in organisation.. to achieve own self respect, people are insulting other or are lacking the empathy theory... 

For the small time period, person can achieve self respect by insulting other but behind him many Shrikandis are being born in human Individual life...

Lesson of Life: To achieve self respect for short time, dont insult other..If we look to contempory political situation of Nepal, same things is happening in the same party... One Person is expecting respect and another is insulting him...

Please see this video upto first 25 minute..




Communication, One of the important tool which plays vitual role in effective management in organisation as well as in personal life also...

If we see, if there is any kind of conflict or misunderstanding in family or between individuals, Colleague ... Effective or good communication plays a vitual role...

If we look towards communication practice we are using two method.

1. Communication in Straight forward way

2. Communication in soft/ diplomatic .

Regarding to our country, although Right to speech has been given in our Constitution .But also in behaviour from childhood our communication has been supressed.. We generally prefer to speak straight but want to listen soft communication..

In this context, I want to share one example from Mahabharata due to one straight word,  Kurukshetra Yudh had occured ..

There are many reasons behind the Kurukshetra battle, but one important reason behind is

Words of Dropadi towards Durodhyan..

"Andha Ka Beta Andha" hai

Please see the attached video from time 30 to end


Employee Resignation..

 When one staff leaves the organisation in the last day He is given huge respect, with token of love.

Every BM or senior use one emotional words: 

संगै काम गर्दा कहिले केही खराब बोली वा केही भनिए मा त्यसलाई विर्सिदिनु होला ।।। त्यो शब्द वा बेहावार केवल संस्था को कार्य गर्दा भनीय को हो ।।

In the above statement , really one Manager shows the wrong attitude to the staff due to poor performance or professional work.

I would like to say No.

It has also been observed due to personal need of Individual, Wrong attitude or Behaviour's is shown in working environment...

 Individual discrimination is done on the basis of personal relationship, need of ego / esteem . Even some manager go on personal biasness by knowing the history of staff too.. ( Local manager knows the history of Local Staff easily like his economic condition, past nature and many thing)

Still in organisation ,it is observed, staff are being treated on the basis of personal relationship not as per his professional relationship.....

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Conspiracy In Organisation.


Conspiracy in Organization :-

One personal experience of my first job (which I had started after completing +2 level). In that time I was completely unaware of Corporate conspiracy.

While working in organization, team is always there. However in team, we have always “Professional Jealousy" with each other.

The best example of professional Jealousy can be compared with one scene of three Idiots movie. When the result of engineering came, when one friend top the university how other two friends has felt.

In every organization, there are some employee who liked to make boss happy rather than work happy.

In this scenario, I would like to share my past experience which I experienced. In my team, one employee had good relationship with line manager and line manager also used to trust him blindly. Since he used to pass information to line manager and also line manager used to listen voice of him.

He used to pass information what the team members had said about Line manager.

I have also done backbite in team about my line manager. I had explained good thing and bad things about my manager. The most important things is that friend who used to pass information to boss (Line manager) has also done backbite or added masala in my backbite. Due to his masala in back bite, I too get motivated and added more negative talks.

I remember one word of Shakuni what had said in Mahabharata :-

हा में हा मिलlना भी एक राजनिती है ।।।। what my friend did with me....

Later he gave the information to boss, what i said negative about him with adding more thing which I had not said. He didn't convey about the information, what he had added in our talks as well my positive view towards my line manager. He just convey negative view.

Later my Line manager behavior was changed towards me. In that time I was not aware that the friends who was near me, used to pass information to line manager. Still I was unaware why line manager was changed.

It was just like two Bollywood movie which I had seen. Bahubhali and Sanju. Why did Kattapa Killed Bahubahli, it was just due to wrong information passed. Similarly, In organization also Line Manager must understand there are many Bahubali in organization which are been killed ( Place backward/ wrong perception has been created) due to wrong Information passed to line manager by other staff/ colleague / Department head .

While In Sanju Movie it was been made just to create positive perception of Sanjay Datt that he is not an terrorist. From this movie we can understand, how communication plays important role to create perception (Positive / Negative) in the mind of People/ Individual.

Later problem was been solved due to Proper Communication ( Two way communication) but It was good experience and learning.

Lesson from it.: Try to know about team member habits before sharing your views as well as Line Manager, Please don’t take any decisions by listening "He was saying Like this" or half conversation . Please try to know full conversation ( Two way) . No-one speak or does one line or two line backbiting. Listen or try to know full conversation of both person. Otherwise again one Bahubali (Ethical/ Honest staff) shall be killed (Placed backward) due to false Information.

A Comparative Study: - Expectation of Individual Need with Achievement of Organizational Need/ Goal.

A Comparative Study: - Expectation of Individual Need with Achievement of Organizational Need/ Goal.

Every Organization is established to achieve its Goal. It may be either profit motive or Service Motive.  To achieve Organization Goal, one of the key Components which plays vital role is Human Capital. Since, Human Capital or human Resource are only the factor which mobilize all the resources of Organization.

Model Used: - Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy.

On the basis of Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy, need of Human has categorized on following three things.

a.       Need of Sex.  ( Affection ,Love, family, Emotion come on this)                       

b.      Need of Money     ( Direct and Indirect Compensation on this)

c.       Need of  Power ( Personal Self Respect and Position Come on this)


a. Need of Sex:- A person need this from certain age to through out of his life. Due to religion wise, social norms, and other factor, people has its own view towards this need.

In Context of Nepal, as we are follower of Hindu Religion as well as context of Social Perspective it is suppressed in our country.

As per married life, it has been seen there are two types of staff (employee) in organization.

a.       Ethical towards Spouse/ family members after Marriage

b.      Non- Ethical towards Spouse / family members after Marriage.

Relationship between Ethical / Unethical person and working in team:-

An Unethical person generally believes in giving time to friend circle rather than family. Drinking wine daily wise, party, dance, enjoyment, staying late for office intentionally are some common Characteristics of this kind of people. This kind of people generally believes in use and throw strategy. He don’t have feeling towards the employee about long term retention. He just see the employee how to use him and when appropriate time come how to throw him.


While In Case of ethical person, it has been seen this type of person give more emphasis to family members. This type of employee want to go home on time, want to spend for any party with family members. Generally this type of employee don't want to spend much more money with friend circle.

Implication to Manager: - A manager should understand the nature of person as per the organisation. A unethical person is not appropriate for administrative job but good for marketing, since unethical person are excellent in good communication and to use and throw human. They are very much good to obtain market Information, history of others as they are spending time in group.

Close monitoring of Integrity issues is necessary for this type of employee, since this kind of employee always need money for enjoyment, always money is needed from them.

While in case of ethical person, it has been seen this type of employee are good in administrative type of Jobs, since they want to work for survival of family members. This kind of employee want to perform only the task which has been assign to them from others. They want to go home as the office time ends. Close monitoring of dedication towards work is necessary from the immediate line manager.


Need of Money: - Money is medium of exchange. It can’t buy all thing but can buy many thing. Every individual need money either for basic survival or to live a luxurious life. Almost we Service Holder (Staff), we are working in organization for survival of our family. So, one of the important factor of Motivation is Good Compensation. Compensation may be direct or indirect.


Implication to Manager:- A manager should understand that human needs money. He should understand this and should have empathy towards its employee. He should not try to cheat to give proper compensation to the employee.

Regarding to the Direct Compensation, two things should be understood by the manager.

a.       Proper communication of amount (money) to be paid before giving job (work).

b.      Payment given after work but communication is not done before giving job.


          The first method is best way to deal. In the first method both the employee and employer are clear about give and take of money. While in the second case, both are unclear about give and take. Some time employee many expect more after working and when he get less amount as per his expectation frustration can come. So first method is good one.



         Beside it there is always controversy between Organization Pay and individual expectation. In this case, Standard of payment can be set with the financial parameter. ( Example :- Top Organization with higher profit generated organization should compare with top Organization, medium profit generated organization should compare with medium and lower profit generate organization with lower ). But it has been seen, In Newspaper, top level management feel proud/ esteem to show the best performance ( Higher in all aspect) in media but while  fixing  compensation they want to give direct compensation ( or compare themselves) with  least growth organization which leads is dissatisfaction in  lower and mid level employee. Since lower and mid level employee are the main source or who works for organization in ground level and this kind of employee have always perception, our organization has generated huge profit, this year we will get huge Compensation ( Bonus, Welfare, Rise in salary). ( HR can learn about direct compensation from the cases of  Nepal Oil Corporation).


Regarding Indirect Compensation:- 

This is one of the most challenging, undefined and cannot be understood unless one person don’t express.  But Individual feel discomfort to express about indirect benefits. This need is seen is all Nepalese citizenship from Lower to Higher (As our Hindu religion we believes on Respect more than Money). But also as per organization need, Higher need of Indirect compensation is seen in Upper level staff. As per organization hierarchy (Position), Indirect benefits should be given more also HR should also try to express Indirect compensation through any media (Like email, newspaper, official face book post). Generally it has been seen, today every activity of Individuals are been made viral or shared with friend circle through social site page ( Example, Happy birthday wish to friends, Mother Days , Father Days, respect given picture is shared in social sites) . So HR should try to express indirect benefits through social sites.

Need of Power (Respect):- Every human need respect. Respect can be divided into two parts.

a.             Self-Respect:- Need of Namaskar, Indirect compensation comes on it.

b.            Need of Interest to be in Position. Eg:- To be manager, Hod.


Employee who are simple or straight person they belief on self-respect more. This kind of employee feel happy when they are given greeting like Namastey , Namaskar. This kind of employee believe on words (They don’t like scolding or bad words from line manager of top level employee. They believe on individual feedback rather than group feedback) .


Implication: - Making the work done by others is called Management. In this process (making
work done by others) , Manager should give respect ( Namaskar, positive words and feedback like you are doing good, you are our organization member) to the employee who need self-respect. And also Money should be also given side by side.


Need of Interest: - Employee who are political or egoistic in nature come on this. Beside it this kind of employee by hook or crook they want to stay on position more. This kind of employee use more brain decision than emotional decision. They can do / sacrifice anything for the position.


Top Level understand that his Juniors, subordinates may have also interest to be in top Position like AM, DM,, Manger . So it should be taken positive and a manager should also give chance to his subordinates or opportunity for the position.


Conclusion:-  Looking our Country Scenario, Our Religion, Our Social Environment we Nepalese individual spend life to achieve Sex, Money and Power. If we compare with Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy, In Physiological need Sex and Money is required. However we can also say money is required up to esteem need. Since In today's modern society, people have respect towards people who are financially strong. In the actualization need every person need Respect a lot. So all per the stages of Human life, organization should try to treat its human resources or employee for better productivity/ result.


Krishna Raj Bhatta

2017 Jan 24 at 10:00 pm

New- Banseshwor -Kathmandu

How To Increase Employee Satisfactions In Nepalese Organization:-

How To Increase Employee Satisfactions In Nepalese Organization:-      


If we look at the government Initiative in HR, it can be traced long way back. The Public Service Commission was established in the early fifties to recruit public servants independently. Post-90, MNCs and development agencies entered Nepal with embedded HR systems. Later, Neal Rastra Bank required all commercial banks to have separate HR department, Despite all these progress in HR Management, the private sector has not been able to practice HR management comprehensively.


Frederick Herzberg was a psychologist interested in the correlation between employee attitude and workplace motivation. He wanted to find out what made people feel satisfied and unsatisfied when it came to the workplace. After spending countless hours interviewing employees about what made them feel both good and bad about their jobs. Herzberg developed a theory of workplace motivation called the two-factor theory. This article has been presented to view regarding why there is employee dissatisfaction in the organization.

Model used: - Frederick Herzberg's “Two Factor Theory” model for Motivation.

In this theory, there are two factor namely Hygienic Factor and  Motivating Factor.

a. Hygiene Factor: -    Hygiene factor are those factors do not motivate employee but their absence cause dissatisfaction. Herzberg used the term 'hygiene' to describe factors that cause dissatisfaction in the workplace, are extrinsic (or independent of the work itself), and are linked to things such as compensation, job security, organizational politics, working conditions, quality of leadership, and relationships between supervisors, subordinates, and peers.


In context of Nepal, almost Big, Medium and Small organization  (National level or local firm) have problem of giving good compensation to the employee. In Perspective of big (National) Company, they have perception they they have paid best as per industry, however it seems less in context of Inflation as well as job work pressure.



b. Motivating factor:- These are linked to employee motivation and arise from intrinsic, or dependent, conditions of the job itself. Factors for satisfaction include responsibility, job satisfaction, recognition, achievement, opportunities for growth, and advancement. These factor motivate and provide high level of job satisfaction.


In context of Nepal, Respect (मानसम्मान ) is the best example. For example, Manager using words you are doing good, Giving awards in the circle, greeting (Namaskar) to the employee, using positive words, giving positive feedback in group and negative feedback (thing to be improved) in Individual.


Since our Hindu religion also belief on Respect more in compare to money, and almost all Nepalese belief on this thing because beliefs (need of respect) have been transfer from parents to us. So manager should understand this factor more. This can be good Tactics to those organizations who cannot pay good compensation to its employee. If looks towards Nepalese Organization Culture, in every Private, Public or Government sector, manager expects Motivating factor more from their lower lever staff.


If look towards present Nepalese organization following things can be seen/ observed.


a. Some organization gives Hygienic factor more but can’t give motivating factor.

b. Some organization can’t give both the factors

c. Motivating factor is lacking to give. Manager instead of giving motivating factor to the employee, they them-self (manager) are expecting more.





So for the motivation of employee and to control employee turnover, both Hygienic and Motivating factor should be given. If organization can’t give Hygienic factor than It should give Motivating factors to its employee more and it can be as a part of Tactics to control employee dissatisfaction. Manager should have empathy regarding self-respect. If a Manager need respect that means his subordinates or lower level staff also need respect. So manager should try to give respect ( Manager using words you are doing good, Giving awards in the circle, greeting (Namaskar) to the employee, using positive words, giving positive feedback in group and negative feedback (thing to be improved) in Individual to his team members. In this way, employee satisfaction can be increased.





1.      Frederick Herzberg's theory of Motivation

2.      https://www.newbusinessage.com/MagazineArticles/view/2051#:~:text=If%20you%20look%20at%20the,was%20an%20awakening%20for%20us



By:- Krishna Raj Bhatta


Prabhu Bank Limited

Date :- 2020.03.20

Place :- Dhangadhi

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Decentralization of Risk Department. An Opportunity or Challenges for Organization:-

Decentralization of Risk Department. An Opportunity or Challenges for Organization:-

Credit risk refers to the probability of loss due to a borrower’s failure to make payments on any type of debt. Credit risk management is the practice of mitigating losses by understanding the internal ( Bank PPG,CPG, Policy) and external environment ( NRB Guideline, Business Inspection, etc).

Looking at Context of Nepal, As per NRB Guideline- Every Bank has to open its Province office in every State. As per the guideline, Bank has followed the practice of decentralization and has opened its Province Office in. Beside it, delegation of Authority (Risk department, Operation Department and CAD to Province head has also been given).

As provincial risk system is one of the new practices for many banks, following problem has been observed in provincial risk system.

1.      Controversial Role of Marketing / CAD authority to single person: - Marketing and CAD are two opposite Role given to One Person . Marketing Role says to enhance business loan (Increase figure) and CAD role says to Control Role (Approve Loan by fulfilling all term and Condition).

If we look towards, todays Nepalese Banking practice. Some banks have gone from centrally CAD system ( I.e. Separate file approval is done from Kathmandu/ Central system) , while some branch has gone for decentralization CAD system.

It has been observed todays Banks are giving unnecessary target to various Province / Branch. So to fulfill the target (to do business), figure are been given more importance rather than CAD.

We can take another example also if province head / BM has integrity issue problem also, the credit decision may biased. So, Management should think for this what authority to give to single person (Marketing or CAD or both ).

2.      Attitude / Knowledge / Skill of  Approving Authority in Province System :-

It has been observed after the formation of province Structure, Senior Person who is working on the province as BM has been given promotion to Province Head. Beside it Province head who are already working (Without CAD) are also engaged in marketing. So the attitude/  Knowledge formation of both type of person is towards marketing skill is observed (BM promoted to province head and Existing province head to whom CAD is not given), they both have marketing Skill rather than CAD skill.

As we know Marketers always need Business (Figure), however CAD needs controlling. A person who has been given responsibility of CAD and Marketing has itself opposite relationship. 

As Business has to increase Figure as per the target assign to them, pressurize can be given to Risk to review the file in urgent basis by considering risk / compliance part.

So if Bank want to assign Marketing role / CAD role to single person, Attitude/ Knowledge / Skill towards CAD Skill should be developed (About process and method to review Credit file, Attitude, Skill ) by keeping Head office under Experience Mentor.

3.      Knowledge of Province Head / Business Unit towards Credit / operation department :-

As Nepalese Banking are moving towards Decentralization of Authority. Province Head are been Assigned. Generally it has been seen some Staffs are expertise in Operation and some are expertise in Credit. So Staff who are expertise in Operation department is kept as Province head (CAD of Credit Risk is Assign to them),  it may have direct Impact on  Credit Review Process. (Experience sharing can be taken from those who are working as Province head having operation back-ground).

4.      Layout: - Layout is one of the important factors which is affecting in proper assessment. In Head office separate Department is setup for Risk and there is some distance between Risk Department and Business Department. While Province office is setup in Small area, all departments are closely attached ( i.e Business , CAD, Risk, Operation, etc) are under same roof. Due to which if Business Department needs file on urgent basis, frequent pressure can be given to Risk (Continuous follow from Business to review file on urgent basis). This kind of behavior may impact in proper assessment of fie.

5.      Credit Chain Structure: - Proper Credit Chain Structure should be design for file review. It impacts a lot in Credit Review Process.  For this two Responsibility (CAD and marketing) to be given or not it should be discussed.

Example :-  (In One Bank, CAD was been given to Province head but later Cad authority was been given to head office only). Experience sharing can be done from various banks.

6.      Assign of Business Department  ( Expert Credit Officer in Province office):-

Business Unit should also be set in province head (Expert Credit Relationship officer to correct file).

It has been seen New Staff Hiring, frequent turnover of Staff in branch, change in banking culture creates problem to business/ branch to make and understand credit proposals.  So if Expert Officer are hired in province office, it might be helpful for the branch and staff. This expert Credit Officer can make tough proposal by sitting in province office, review proposal send my branch and even if there is scarcity of manpower they can be alternative sources to make / review credit proposals for branch. Beside it they (Expert Credit officer) can also guide/ provide training can also be given to fresher regarding Credit process.

 If Branch make any credit file at first it should be forwarded to Business Unit, this Unit will review the file once (About further Clarification/ Correction/ What point to include, / What not to include of file/ verify necessary document), and if file is properly reviewed from Business team further Risk function will only to Review file (Regarding Risk Part) and if less mistake is observed ( Process will be  fast and approving authority will not get hassle). 

7.      Mental Fair of RA. ( To whom RA is in Direct Touch)

As RA Job is for controlling and Business Job is to enhance figure, both opposite department are under same roof.

Although line manager of Risk Analyst is formed with Risk Head ( Central Based) but also in province structure, behaviorally it is observed the immediate line manager of risk is Line Manager who is in regular touch.

For example :- If CAD is given to Province Head , after Reviewing file from Risk , file will be forwarded to Province Head ( In behavioral Risk has direct touch with Province head ( Business) , than the  Line Manager of Risk who is sitting in Head Office).

So one kind of fear (Transfer from Job, Convey of Negative information to Business Unit) may always remain in the mind of Risk if strict compliance or assessment is done. Beside it, province head has good relationship with top body / level of Head office, So Head office shall listen voice of Province head (Top Level Staff) more than Risk (Lower Level staff). So top level management should be tactful for this kind of problem.

( For this I want to give example of one lesson written by BP Koirala – Doshi Chasma studied in class 9 Nepali Subject ),it will helps to understand phycology of lower level staff.

8.      How Many file to review in a day from Single file :-

If number of file to be reviewed is set up per day from top approving body, than no one can give informal pressure to Risk. Generally every branch needs every file in urgent basis. So after sending branch file to risk at late hour , they may need file review on same day (Or within hour).  As more the time gets passed ( In evening time) , the mind of Risk gets hang ,eye gets pain as they have to study file and have to see all documentation part closely. But this phycology has not been understood by business or concern authority.

(Note:-File gravity may varies. Sometime corporate file are there which takes time and microfinance file don’t take time. This things to be discussed).

9.      Problem in Knowledge Sharing / Problem Due to Fresher Risk Analyst (RA).

Sometime Risk Analyst may have confusion on some points. In this case, he needs to communicate/ ask query with senior (Risk Head). As many Risk Analyst has been assigned under one risk head and also other function is also assigned to Risk Head. Problem regarding proper communication and knowledge sharing lacks.  (Generally for some Urgent basis file). Also nature of RA also impact in proper communication (Extrovert nature, introvert nature, shy, fear nature)

Beside it fresher RA can get problems in many points of Single CA. So frequent call may also needed to ask with Risk Head and if Risk Head do not show proper behave, busy with other work, proper assessment may get affected as well as delay in process can occurs.

So while Hiring Risk Analyst in Province Office One Experience RA and One Fresher RA should be kept / hired due to which knowledge sharing as well as Personal development can be done.

10.   Problem of Single RA

For Cost Cutting organization wants to keep less staff. But it has been observed if one days also one RA takes leave (Force leave, Illness, Social function), process become late. Although the file can be reviewed from head office too, Head office staff are also busy to review their assigned work. So at list two RA should be assigned in one province office so that process can go fast and RA Can also enjoy holiday.  Beside it Knowledge sharing can be done among staff and if one staff leaves the organization ( if new opportunity is found, there is another backup for organization too).

11.   Attitude of Risk Analyst

       What kind of Attitude One RA should to Business? It is an undefined question. Some RA are easy in nature and some has rude nature .Since if RA behave in easy way, Business thinks RA is easy person and they try to give indirect pressure to forward the Credit File. If attitude of RA is strict one, they complain with Business to change RA ( RA is showing Attitude, he should be kept in Branch so that he will know actual problem face by all). RA should be flexible with Business or not ?,  Since Business team don’t show empathy theory on work. Also in province risk system, RA is almost familiar with all BM/ RO (Direct relationship) , So RA  cannot speak rude or emotionally he becomes weak. For this Business Head should also groom to Branch Manager / RO regarding development of Soft Skill and formulate empathic nature on themselves.

Although above mentioned points are some challenges (Problem) faced however due to provincial risk system, following benefits/ Opportunity are also seems.

1.      Huge Increase in Business and Change In Process Mechanism:-

Due to provincial risk system, Almost business (Loan Figure) seems hugely hiked - Synergy Effect in business growth is Observed in those bank who has adopted this concept.

2.      Fast in Process :-

 Looking at the Credit Review process (Almost file are reviewed in 2-3 hours or in single days). Process problem from Risk is not seen due to Provincial Risk System. 

3. Close Monitoring of Business:-

As Risk department is opened in Province, RA can also observe, view the business site/Unit from his own eye .It helps to credit chain authority to crosscheck the business. But one thing is Business should provide travel facility (Car in province office).  Also Management should also provide clear figure or provide authority (How much figure loan , Risk have to compulsory visit to Business. It may vary Province to province. Example: - 2 Crore above file Risk has to visit Business Site Compulsory).

 Conclusion:-Risk Department is one of the backbones of Business. Since it’s function is to minimized the   risk. Nothing is perfect in management but gradual Improvement is always necessary for organization productivity and effectiveness.  If the proper evaluation of above mention points is done we can improve /create huge opportunity in provincial risk system in better way and positive synergy effect can be given to organization.


By :- Krishna Raj Bhatta

Time :- 11.50PM ( May 27,2021) ( In my Covid Positive time)

Place :Dhangadhi