Thursday, June 1, 2023

How to Make Presentation of Report or Thesis


How to Make Presentation of Report or Thesis



     To provide a minimum standard and guideline to students how to make presentation of report.


Content of Report

The written report should have the following sections:-


Executive Summary    

Table of Contents


PART- One                                                                         



Objectives of internship

PART- TWO                                                                           

INTRODUCTION OF Company/ topic                                                       

                PART- Three                                                          

 Introduction of the project                                                              

 Objective of the project study                                                 

 Theoretical Framework                                                            

 Literature Review                                                                       

 Data Collection                                                                   

 Methods of Data collection                                                     

Data Analysis                                                                      


major findings, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                          

 Major Findings                                                                   





Annexure -   


How to makes Slides of Report

     Divide the Presentation into the following heading

a.  Introduction

b.  Objectives

c.   Review of Literature

d.  Material and Method / Finding

e.  Suggestion and Conclusion and finding


First Slide

     Write the topic of reort with team members.

     For eg:- If you have make report of Study of Turnover of X company.

     Study on Turnover of X company

     By:- ………



     Write about Introduction in points

     Make only one slide

     Only one person will speak if the report is in group.




     Write all the objectives in points.

     How many objective you have find write in points.

     Make one slide only.

     For eg:- 3 objective, 4 objective, etc


Review of Literature

     Write five review of Literature and it should be in mind or explain it by not seeing in ppt.

     Make one- two slide only.


Material and Method

     This is important part.

     In this part, you have to explain the objective and how you have done finding of the objective.

     You can make as much as slide you can.

     Show pie chart, bar diagram and other test.

     How much you have done finding , mention all.

     Eg:- for one objective if you have done 5 ways to  find out , please mention the five ways.


Finding, Suggestion, conclusion

     Make three different slide for finding, suggestion and conclusion.

     Please focus more on suggestion part.



     Please ask more question  towards research objective, finding of objective and recommendation more since this slide is the basic  guideline and the student will prepare slide according to the guideline.

     Some question are:-

     What is report. Why you make this report.

     What are objective

     How you find out the objective.



Suggestion to Teacher

     What are suggestion. Why did you give this suggestion. Is this suggestion appropriate as per your study.

     Why you use test or chart, bar diagram for finding.

     Why do you do reference.

     Explain about literature review. Why you do it.

     Explain the contents of report.

     Share your project report experience.


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